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Starfleet Re-exploration Initiative

With the final battle of the Borg War over in 2396 and overall victory declared by the Federation the Milky Way was now left to rest after a horrific holocaust that last nearly for two decades. No longer was the cybernetic civilisation from the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant a direct threat to numerous civilisations across the galaxy. Under one unified flag billions upon billions of different sentient life forms from countless cultures and races defeated the Borg in attempt to keep their individualities and uniqueness.

However the Alpha and Beta Quadrants took the brunt of the war where many battles were fought to defend against the oppressive invaders. Come the beginning of the twenty-fifth century the two quadrants were heavily scared and bruised from the years of fighting and violence that plagued every single world. Communication was almost nonexistent as countless planets and civilizations were left alone in the new darkness, interplanetary travel was all but stopped. In attempt to restore moral and improve Starfleet recruitment the Federation Council unanimously agreed it was time that Starfleet returned to the stars and re-explore the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Although first grand in scope many elements within the Federation government objected to so many ships leaving the defences of Sol. It would be the first time that the Federation would have to take on such a large effort, not seen since the twenty second century during the founding days of the Federation. In the middle of it all would be the capital world of the Federation, Earth. The crystal clear proud gem of the Federation was overcrowded with refugees from other worlds thought lost or destroyed and polluted almost beyond repair. It was now time for a group of ships to leave Earth’s defence and fight for a new Federation.

At first only four vessels left the Sol System in 2400 all ordered by Fleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Federation President Spock to re-explore nearby star systems to Sol. They included the USS Enterprise-F, the USS Vendetta and the USS Defiant-B. In their first year of service all four ships made contact with Vulcan, Andoria, Alpha Centauri, and many more worlds within the Inner Core Territory. All of these worlds quickly became founding members of the new Federation.

Come 2401 it was urged that the Federation take a serious role in the re-development of former member worlds that had grown independent after the Federation was forced to retreat from them due to Borg incursions forced if necessary. Starfleet had already committed at least eighty five percent of its forces to protect the Sol System, this fleet was designated the First Fleet with the code name of the Earth Defence Force. The fifteen percent of Starfleet forces remaining were assigned to the new division within Starfleet, the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative.

Starfleet's Re-Exploration Initiative gained momentum after its initial proposal to the Federation Council and Starfleet Command in 2401 by several high ranking officers. Eventually a vote made its way to the joint chiefs of Starfleet while simultaneously being voted on by the Federation Council to proceed with the new division. They could indeed re-explore the alpha and beta quadrants as a publicity tool and at the same time provide recon unknowingly on the now many independent former Federation members.

The much publicized event won the vote and plans begun for a program to begin to re-explore the galaxy. Initially there was hesitation that Starfleet would end up attracting attention from the Borg even though there was no word from them in over five years. However most thought it was a risk that they were willing to take and thus a few select vessels from Starfleet's current ship roster were chosen to be the core of the program.

Initially the small task group that had left Earth was re-called as the initiative’s mission charter was engraved, confirmed and supported by the Federation Council. Originally command of the task group was given to Commodore Gabriel Winthorpe on board the Defiant-B and Captain Eden Enigma aboard the Enterprise as his group executive officer. However the Defiant was recalled to Earth shortly after Commodore Winthorpe’s death and Captain Enigma was recalled in 2402 to oversee Starfleet Temporal Investigations.

By the time the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative Charter was sealed and founded there was still a problem with who would lead up the program. After much debate at Starfleet Command a decision was finally reached and Fleet Admiral Picard assigned the duty of commanding officer in the capable and well experienced hands of the newly promoted Commodore Bryan Cash with the recently launched USS Voyager-A as his flagship. Cash’s executive officer of the program was given to Captain Jessica Galagher who had been one of the four original commanding officers to depart from Earth in 2400. Her vessel the Vendetta was currently the only vessel in the initiative to be completely active. For the next few years Commodore Cash lead the task force in re-making contact with several species and re-exploring lost worlds.

In 2402 Captain Galagher was promoted to Commodore and re-assigned to Starfleet Re-Development Operations. Cash also received a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral and selected newly assigned commanding officer Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet as his executive officer of the program. By the end of the year Starfleet soon realized that the Re-Exploration Initiative was an asset they couldn't do without. They began to assign, one by one, more ships to the task force. The Initiative was then assigned its first ever fleet. The fleet was designated the Fourth Fleet and code named Futility’s End. Command of the fleet was given to newly promoted Fleet Captain Marshall-Bennet who was now in the command of the Re-Exploration Initiative’s field headquarters, Deep Space One as well the Federation flagship the Enterprise-F. Bennet was given Captain Claire Swiftcloud, the skipper of the Defiant-B as his fleet executive officer.

By mid 2403 there were over ten ships assigned to the initiative and mainly all in service of the fourth fleet. Most notable was the newly christened and USS Excalibur, a vessel outfitted with an experimental Quantum Slipstream Drive. Shipboard assets were not the only resources devoted to the SRI. Six deep space telescopes and sensor arrays as well as the Midas Communications Array and one research station on Mars were assigned to the SRI. A joint funding deal gave partial authority of the New Pathfinder Project and Starfleet Communications to assist the SRI as well. The commander of the initiative also holds a position in the Federation government and is required to submit weekly and monthly reports as well as sit in on the monthly meetings and special sessions the council undertakes.

Commanding Officers of the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative

Pre War History

Fourth Fleet or Bravofleet was the most militaristic force in Starfleet during the late 24th Century. It was divided in to task forces and assigned throughout the United Federation of Planets in protecting the borders, worlds and general space of the Federation. The starships assigned to the Fourth Fleet were heavily outfitted with more combat oriented system, and was one of only a few fleets to have a large number of the most powerful classes of starships available in Starfleet.

The Fourth Fleet was originally founded to defend the Alpha and Beta Quadrants against the Borg Collective alongside forces from the Klingon Empire. It participated heavily in the Dominion War and many other major conflicts between 2370-2382.

Task Forces

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