United Federation of Planets

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The UFP Emblem

The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar coalition of governing planets and colonies. Its members share the same goals of common freedom, mutual defence, scientific exploration, peaceful coexistence and trade.



Federation territory by the 25th century was reduced to small pockets of space due to the Borg War. Each area of space would contain a few members who all agreed in helping one another in rebuilding and defending each other since the end of the Borg War. In theoretical practice the territory of the Federation expands across most of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. However the borders of the Federation are small and are gradually growing at a very slow rate.


The Federation Council and the Federation Senate are the sole governing bodies of the Federation who are led by the Federation President. The Council has representatives from each member world and the senate has senators and ambassadors from those worlds not officially members but allied alongside the Federation.The federation senate is a relativly new creation and answer to the questions of representation for those species curretly living in sol but having no home planet of there own any longer.. The Council and senate Halls are located in San Francisco, North America, while the Presidential residence is located in Paris, France both on Earth.

The military branch of the Federation is Starfleet who are changed with the defence and exploration of the Federation.


By 2403 after contact had been re-established at least eight member worlds had returned to the Federation with several more becoming allies of the Federation. Anyone wanting to return to the Federation must abide to the United Federation of Planets Charter, however where before the Borg War re-application in to the Federation doesn’t take five years and depends on the agreement of the Federation Council to allow a planet’s entrance. The planet must have a unified world government and be prepared to receive and provide aid in the re-construction efforts.

Starfleet sent several starships out to re-explore what had been lost and to make contact with former member worlds and re-establish the United Federation of Planets in the 25th Century.

Current political situation

Trying very hard to maintain the public image of the federation of the past the current version is anything but.Political infighting and tensions over the overcrowded and populated sol system and its lack of abundant resources have bogged down the federation senate and council.Tensions with the vulcan's are at an alltime high and there are rumors of a planned vulcan withdraw from full federation membership.Riots are common place all over earth mars and the various stations and habitats that act as home for the sol systems billions and billions.Star fleet is nearly crippled by its new mandate of sol system defence and several factions within the organization itself have become apparent each with its own agenda and idea of what star fleet's role in this new federation should be.

Founding Member Worlds (As of 2400)

Member Worlds (From 2401 Onwards)

Colonies (From 2400 Onwards)

Ex Member Worlds (From 2403 Onwards)

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