A Good Day To Defend

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"A Good Day To Defend"
Star Trek: Enterprise-F episode
A Good Day To Defend.jpg

Flying The Flag High

Episode no. ENT-F-13
Start Date December 05
Finish Date March 06
Story Paul Redford
Director Paul Redford
Guest star(s) None
Previous episode
"A Good Day To Arise"
Stardate 79443.27 Year 2403-2404
Next episode
"A Good Day To Fight"

After bringing Bajor in to the Federation and with the new aggression from the Klingon Empire concerning the Federation, the crew of the USS Enterprise go to the former Federation-Klingon border to find out some answers and truly find out what the Klingons are preparing for.



After the recent assault by forces from the Klingon Empire, the crew of Deep Space One finally watch the USS Enterprise-E depart from the station to return to Earth to be restored and placed in to the Starfleet Museum. However a visit from an individual who had been on the ship before, one Wesley Crusher tells the captain that what lies ahead of the crew is more important then what lay behinds them.

The Enterprise takes on an eight month trip to fly across Federation space towards the Verex System, where they plan on finding out the answers they search for. How strong is the new Klingon Empire? While on their journey the crew learn from home of the attack against Alpha Centauri by the Vulcans. None the less Starfleet orders the crew to maintain their course to Verex. Months in to their travels the crew receive a distress call from a Federation ship, the USS Achilles.

Enterprise’s crew soon beam aboard the Achilles and assist with saving the ship and its crew from destruction. They soon find out that the ship had been part of a small task force sent to find out what happened to Qo'noS after contact was lost with it in 2388. The ship was one of only a few to survive the struggle to get near to the Klingon border. However with the lost of other ships Captain Samantha Reynolds, the Achilles’ commanding officer makes a decision to keep out of trouble while fending off small Borg attacks in the area.

Enterprise soons assists in repairing the ship up and both vessels continue towards Verex to determine the staus of the Klingon Empire.

Special Played Guest Characters

Non Played Guest Characters

Noted Ship Appearances

Memorable Quotes

"In your journey as captain of the Enterprise-F you will find yourself tested by the ethics of the prime directive and the Federation charter."

- Wesley Crusher to Zack Marshall-Bennet providing advice as being captain of the flagship.

Background Out Of Character Information

  • The crew had been assigned to Deep Space One for Two years, ten months and twenty four days by the time they were officially assigned to the USS Enterprise-F permanently.

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