List of starship names

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The Following is a list of all Starships mentioned in FE canon, whether that be via an Admiral's notice or a player's biography. If you are unsure of a vessel's registry or are unfamiliar with the numbering methods, then you should leave it blank.
''The following is a list of all Starships mentioned in FE [[Canon]], whether that be via an admiral's notice or a player's biography. If you are unsure of a vessel's registry or are unfamiliar with the numbering methods, then you should leave it blank. Those ships that do not have a link have yet to be established in FE Canon, however have been built as far as the year 2404. If you wish to use them in your writing please do and add their link as well as details in on the Infobase''
==Starfleet Vessels==
==Active [[Starfleet]] Vessels==
*[[USS Akira]] NCC-62497 (Akira Class)
===[[Akira Class]]===
*[[USS Alaska]] NCC-90102 (Norway Class)
Currently, there are 12 in service with 2 building per year. 281 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Archer]] NCC-44778-B (Sovereign Class)
*[[USS Americana]] NCC-77008-A (Akira Class)
*[[USS Akira]] NCC-62497 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Annapolis]] NCC-26300 (Ambassador Class)
*USS Black Elk NCC-62878 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Bellerophon]] NCC-100642 (Intrepid Class)
*USS Geronimo NCC-62501 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Bristol]] NCC-90087 (Prometheus Class)
*USS Mateo NCC-63302 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Boston]] NCC-78539 (Ambassador Class)
*USS Nez Perce NCC-62891 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Bozeman]] NCC-100542 (Explorer Class - Two Flight Variant)
*USS Osceola NCC-62743 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Canterbury]] NCC-99771 (Explorer Class)
*[[USS Rabin]] NCC-63293 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Challenger]] NCC-71099 (Galaxy Class)
*[[USS Republic]] NCC-64900 - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*[[USS Columbia NCC 2011 - E|USS Columbia]] (Enterprise Class)
*USS Spector NCC-65549 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Defiant]] NCC-74205-B (Defiant Class)
*USS Susquehanna NCC-63419 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Dissension]] (Dominion Dreadnaught)
*USS Templar NCC-63306  -  Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Earheart]] NCC-100673 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Thunderchild]] NCC-63549-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F|USS Enterprise]] NX-1701-F (Enterprise Class)
*[[USS Essex]] NCC-2085 (Excelsior Class)
===[[Ambassador Class]]===
*[[USS Equinox]] NCC-72381-A (Nova Refit Class)
Currently there are 4 in service with none in production. 44 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Excalibur]] NX-100001 (Excalibur Class)
*[[USS Exeter]] NCC-1672-C {Olympic Class)
*USS Anka NCC-26199 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Faithful]] NCC-100678 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Annapolis]] NCC-26300 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Fearless]] NCC-99788 (Explorer Class)
*[[USS Boston]] NCC-78539 - Defected [[Starfleet]]
*[[USS Galaxy]]NCC-70637-C (Galaxy Class)
*USS Rice NCC-27100 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hale]] NCC-75351 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Helsinki]] NCC-63711 (Norway Class)
===[[Charleston Class]]===
*[[USS Hercules]] NCC-71864–A (Nebula Class)
Currently there are 8 in service with 1 building per year, 117 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*[[USS Hood]] NCC-42296-A (Sovereign Class)
*[[USS Hornet]] NCC-100747 (Saber Class)
*USS Altona NCC-66007 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hull]] (Sovereign Class)
*USS Burlington NCC-66105 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hyphron]] NCC-84259-A (Nebula Class)
*USS Colchester NCC-67111 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Intrepid]] NCC-74656 (Intrepid Class)
*USS Dayton NCC-66234 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Kroeger]] NCC 82675 (Steamrunner Class)
*USS Decatur NCC-66589 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Leeds]] NCC 70352 (Nebula Class)
*USS Ellington NCC-67278 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Lexington]] NCC-1709-E (Sovereign Class)
*USS Lysander NCC-66053 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Mikhail Kalashinikov]] NCC-74477-A (Defiant Class)
*USS Wilmington NCC-66333 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Miranda]] - NCC-77001-C (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Newcastle]] NCC-100367 (Defiant Class - Flight Two Variant)
===[[Defiant Class]]===
*[[USS Nova]] NCC-73515 (Nova Refit Class)
Currently there are 16 in service with 4 builder per year, 128 were lost during the [[Borg War]]. 1 was lost since 2400.
*[[USS Oberon]] NCC-99203 (Galaxy Class)
*USS Avenger NCC-74206 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Audacious NCC-90029 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Blatant NCC-74222 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Danes NCC-90031 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Defiant NCC-74205-B - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*USS Liverpool NCC-74240 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Mikhail Kalashinikov]] NCC-74477-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Minas Gerais NCC-75640 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Newcastle NCC 100367 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Rondônia NCC-75634 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS São Paulo]] NCC-75633-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Stahl]] NCC-90027 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Truman NCC-90032 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Valiant]] NCC-74210-B - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Valorous NCC-90030 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Yosemite NCC-90028 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Enterprise Class]]===
Currently there is 1 in service with 1 currently in development,
*[[USS Columbia]] NCC-2011-E - In Development
*[[USS Enterprise]] NX-1701-F - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
===[[Excalibur Class]]===
Currently there is 1 in service with 1 under construction,
*[[USS Excalibur]] NX-100001 - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*[[USS Saratoga]] NCC-100398 - Under Construction
===[[Explorer Class]]===
Currently there are 12 in service with 3 building per year, 83 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*USS Aberdeen NCC-99772 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Bath NCC-99773 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Bozeman]] NCC-100542 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Canterbury NCC-99771 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Derby NCC-99776 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Fearless]] NCC-99788 - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*USS Lancaster NCC-99774 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Loughborough NCC-99777 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Nottingham NCC-99780 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Red Robin NCC-79000-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Roehampton NCC-99779 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Warwick NCC-99778 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
=== [[Galaxy Class]] ===
Currently, there are 6 in service with 1 building per year. 22 were lost during the Borg war.
*[[USS Challenger]] NCC-71099 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Galaxy]] NCC-70637-C - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Ronald Reagan]] NCC-26306-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Magellan NCC-71857 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Trinculo NCC-71867 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Venture NCC-71854 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Galaxy Refit Class]]===
Currently, there are 2 in service with 3 more planned, 23 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Kirk]] NCC-99728 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Sulu NCC-99729 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Intrepid Class]]===
Currently there are 10 in service with 3 building per year. 92 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Bellerophon]] NCC-74705-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Cartwright NCC-77002 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Earhart]] NCC-74711 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Faithful NCC-74732 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hale]] NCC-75351 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Intrepid]] NCC-74600 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Miranda]] NCC-77001-C - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Prospero NCC-75221 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Voyager NCC-74656-A - Defected [[Starfleet]]
*USS Xhaiden NCC-75410 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Luna Class]]===
Currently there is 1 in service with 4 more planned. 17 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Ulysses]] NCC 88621 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Nebula Class]]===
Currently there are 8 in service with 2 building per year. 372 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*USS Bonchune NCC-70915 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hercules NCC-90200 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hyphron NCC-90201 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Leeds]] NCC-70352 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Sutherland]] NCC-72015-C - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS T'Kumbra]] NCC-72016 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Vendetta]] NCC-90198 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Vengeance NCC-90199 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Nebula Refit Class]]===
Currently there are 2 in service with 4 more planned. 216 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*USS Cardinal NCC-75832-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Principal NCC-90203 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Norway Class]]===
Currently there are 16 in service with 5 building per year. 456 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*USS Alaska NCC-102011 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Athens NCC-102012 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Bern NCC-102002 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Copenhagen NCC-102004 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Dublin NCC-102009 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Helsinki NCC-102001 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Lisbon NCC-102008 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Madrid NCC-102002 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Prague NCC-102000 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Reykjavík NCC-102010 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Rome NCC-102006 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS San Marino NCC-102005 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Tyler NCC-90103 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Trekker NCC-90104 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Vilnius NCC-102007 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Warsaw NCC-90100 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Nova Class]]===
Currently there are 3 in service with 4 more planned. 58 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*USS Echo NCC-80877 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Gleaner NCC-80086 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Roebuck NCC-80130 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Nova Refit Class]]===
Currently there are 6 in service with 3 building per year.
*[[USS Equinox]] NCC-72381-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hecla NCC-80012 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Nova]] NCC-73515 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Rhode Island]] NCC-72701 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Scott NCC-80013 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Westminster NCC-80011 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Olympic Class]]===
Currently there are 11 in service with 1 building per year. 98 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*USS Anderson NCC-100308 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Chapel NCC-100302 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Exeter]] NCC-1672-C - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*USS Olympic NX-100300 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Galen NCC-100306 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hahnemann NCC-100301 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Harvey NCC-100309 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hippocrates NCC-100303 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS McCoy NCC-100304 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Noble NCC-100310 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Pasteur NCC-100305 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Prometheus Class]]===
Currently there are 4 in service with 1 building per year. 29 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*USS Bristol NCC-90087 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Cerberus NCC-90088 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Prometheus]] NCC-75913 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Yorktown]] NCC-1717-F – Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Saber Class]]===
Currently there are 24 in service with 4 building per year, 673 were lost during the [[Borg War]].
*USS Archimedes NCC-100741 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Argyll NCC-100749 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Beagle NCC-100745 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Campbeltown NCC-100748 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Chatham NCC-100758 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Grafton NCC-100744 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Hawk NCC-100740 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hornet]] NCC-100747 - Assigned to [[Fourth Fleet]], [[Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative]]
*USS Hubble NCC-100754 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Iron Duke NCC-100750 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Kent NCC-100755 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Mary Rose NCC-100743 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Monmouth NCC-100751 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Montrose NCC-101092 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Northumberland NCC-101093 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Portland NCC-101096 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Prospector NCC-101082 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Resolution NCC-101088 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Richmond NCC-101094 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Saber NCC-61945-C - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Somerset NCC-101095 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS St Albans NCC-101097 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Warrior NCC-101086 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Warspite NCC-101087 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Yeager NCC-61947-B - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Sovereign Class]]===
Currently there are 6 in service with 7 more planned. 27 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*[[USS Archer]] NCC-44278-B - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Hull]] NCC-78396 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Lexington]] NCC-1709-E - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Odyssey]] NCC-79011-A - Under Construction
*[[USS Perseus]] NCC-78386 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Stargazer]] NCC-2893-B - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*[[USS Tucker]] NCC-44277-A - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
===[[Steamrunner Class]]===
Currently there are 11 in service with 2 building per year. 211 were lost during the [[Borg War]]
*USS Admirable NCC-91118 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Clavyn NCC-91127 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Elkins NCC-91127 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Holland NCC-91122 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Nash NCC-91127 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Nelson NCC-91119 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Norton NCC-91121 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Privilege NCC-91126 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Ross NCC-91125 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Stewart NCC-91124 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
*USS Virginia NCC-91120 - Assigned to [[First Fleet]], [[Earth Defence Force]]
==Decommissioned or Destroyed [[Starfleet]] Vessels==
*[[USS Defiant]] NCC-74205-A (Defiant Class)
*[[USS Enterprise-E|USS Enterprise]] NCC-1701-E (Sovereign Class)
*[[USS Paisley]] NCC-74220 (Defiant Class)
*[[USS Paisley]] NCC-74220 (Defiant Class)
*[[USS Paladin]] NCC-77446 (Galaxy-Refit Class)
*[[USS Paladin]] NCC-77446 (Galaxy-Refit Class)
*[[USS Perseus]] NCC-78386 (Sovereign Class)
*[[USS Prague]] NCC-64922 (Norway Class)
*[[USS Prometheus]] NCC-75913 (Prometheus Class)
*[[USS Rabin]] NCC-63293 (Akira Class)
*[[USS Red Robin]] NCC-79000-A (Explorer Class)
*[[USS Republic]] NCC-64900 (Akira Class)
*[[USS Repulse]] NCC-99989 (Intimidator Class)
*[[USS Rhode Island]] NCC-72701 (Nova Refit Class)
*[[USS Ronald Reagan (NCC-26306)|USS Ronald Reagan]] NCC-26306 (Ambassador Class)
*[[USS Ronald Reagan (NCC-26306-A)|USS Ronald Reagan]] NCC-26306-A (Galaxy Class)
*[[USS Saratoga]] NCC-100398 (Excalibur Class)
*[[USS Stahl]] NCC-90027 (Defiant Class - Flight Two Variant)
*[[USS Stargazer]] NCC-2893-B (Sovereign Class)
*[[USS Sutherland]] NCC-72015–C (Nebula Class)
*[[USS T'Kumbra]] NCC-72016 (Nebula Class)
*[[USS Thunderchild]] NCC-63549-A (Akira Class)
*[[USS Tornado]] NCC-74080-A (Akira Class)
*[[USS Trekker]] NCC-90103 (Norway Class)
*[[USS Trojan]] NCC-78655 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Trojan]] NCC-78655 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Tucker]] NCC-44277 (Excelsior Refit Class)
*[[USS Voyager]] NCC-74656 (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Tyler]] NCC-90101 (Norway Class)
*[[USS Warhawk]] NCC-90029 (Defiant Class)
*[[USS Ulysses]] NCC-88621 (Luna Class)
*[[USS Valiant]] NCC-74210-B (Defiant Class)
==Older Serving [[Starfleet]] Vessels==
*[[USS Vendetta]] NCC-90198 (Nebula Class)
*[[USS Essex]] NCC-2085 (Excelsior Class)
==Presumed Missing In Action [[Starfleet]] Vessels==
*[[USS Kroeger]] NCC 82675 (Steamrunner Class)
==Experimental [[Starfleet]] Class Vessels==
*[[USS Venture Star]] NCC-DX01 (Enterprise class-Venture Star Variant)
*[[USS Venture Star]] NCC-DX01 (Enterprise class-Venture Star Variant)
*[[USS Vengeance]] NCC-90199 (Nebula Class)
*[[USS Voyager-A]] NCC-74656-A (Intrepid Class)
*[[USS Warhawk]] NCC-90029 (Defiant Class - Flight Two Variant)
*[[USS Warsaw]] NCC-90100 (Norway Class)
*[[USS Yorktown]] NCC-1717-F (Prometheus Class)
*[[USS Yosemite]] NCC-90028 (Defiant Class - Flight Two Variant)
==Klingon Vessels==
==Klingon Vessels==
*[[SS Bounty]] (bI'rel class)
===[[bI'rel Class]]===
*[[SS Redemption]] (bI'rel class)
*[[SS Bounty]]  
*[[SS Redemption]]  
*[[IKS Ch'Tang]] (bI'rel class)
*IKS Buruk
*[[IKS Gorkon]] (Vor'cha Class)
*IKS Ch'Tang  
*IKS Etam
*IKS Ki'tang
*IKS Korinar
*IKS Koraga
*IKS M'Char
*IKS Malpara
*IKS Orantho
*IKS Pagh
*IKS Slivin
===[[K't'inga Class]]===
*IKS Amar
*IKS B'Moth
*IKS Gr'oth
*IKS T'Ong
*IKS Vorn
*IKS Y'tem
===[[Negh’Var Class]]===
*[[IKS Negh’Var]]
*[[IKS Ning'tao]]
*IKS Rotarran
*[[IKS Koloth]]
===[[Vor'cha Class]]===
*[[IKS BortaS]]
*IKS Drovna
*[[IKS Gorkon]]
*[[IKS Hegh'ta]]
*[[IKS Hegh'ta]]
*[[IKS Ning'tao]] (Negh'Var Class)
*IKS Maht-H'a
*[[IKS bortaS]] (Vor'cha Class)
*IKS Qu'Vat
*IKS Toh'Kaht
*IKS Vor'nak
==Romulan Vessels==
===[[D'deridex Class]]===
*IRV Devoras
*IRV Khazara
*IRV Temet
*IRV Terix
===[[Valdore Class]]===
*IRV Norexan
*[[IRV Valdar]]
*[[IRV Valdore]]
*IRV Talon
*[[IRV Valdore]] (Valdore Class)
''More To Come Soon...''

Revision as of 15:31, 1 January 2006

The following is a list of all Starships mentioned in FE Canon, whether that be via an admiral's notice or a player's biography. If you are unsure of a vessel's registry or are unfamiliar with the numbering methods, then you should leave it blank. Those ships that do not have a link have yet to be established in FE Canon, however have been built as far as the year 2404. If you wish to use them in your writing please do and add their link as well as details in on the Infobase


Active Starfleet Vessels

Akira Class

Currently, there are 12 in service with 2 building per year. 281 were lost during the Borg War

Ambassador Class

Currently there are 4 in service with none in production. 44 were lost during the Borg War

Charleston Class

Currently there are 8 in service with 1 building per year, 117 were lost during the Borg War.

Defiant Class

Currently there are 16 in service with 4 builder per year, 128 were lost during the Borg War. 1 was lost since 2400.

Enterprise Class

Currently there is 1 in service with 1 currently in development,

Excalibur Class

Currently there is 1 in service with 1 under construction,

Explorer Class

Currently there are 12 in service with 3 building per year, 83 were lost during the Borg War

Galaxy Class

Currently, there are 6 in service with 1 building per year. 22 were lost during the Borg war.

Galaxy Refit Class

Currently, there are 2 in service with 3 more planned, 23 were lost during the Borg War

Intrepid Class

Currently there are 10 in service with 3 building per year. 92 were lost during the Borg War

Luna Class

Currently there is 1 in service with 4 more planned. 17 were lost during the Borg War

Nebula Class

Currently there are 8 in service with 2 building per year. 372 were lost during the Borg War

Nebula Refit Class

Currently there are 2 in service with 4 more planned. 216 were lost during the Borg War

Norway Class

Currently there are 16 in service with 5 building per year. 456 were lost during the Borg War.

Nova Class

Currently there are 3 in service with 4 more planned. 58 were lost during the Borg War.

Nova Refit Class

Currently there are 6 in service with 3 building per year.

Olympic Class

Currently there are 11 in service with 1 building per year. 98 were lost during the Borg War.

Prometheus Class

Currently there are 4 in service with 1 building per year. 29 were lost during the Borg War.

Saber Class

Currently there are 24 in service with 4 building per year, 673 were lost during the Borg War.

Sovereign Class

Currently there are 6 in service with 7 more planned. 27 were lost during the Borg War

Steamrunner Class

Currently there are 11 in service with 2 building per year. 211 were lost during the Borg War

Decommissioned or Destroyed Starfleet Vessels

Older Serving Starfleet Vessels

Presumed Missing In Action Starfleet Vessels

Experimental Starfleet Class Vessels

Klingon Vessels

bI'rel Class

  • IKS Buruk
  • IKS Ch'Tang
  • IKS Etam
  • IKS Ki'tang
  • IKS Korinar
  • IKS Koraga
  • IKS M'Char
  • IKS Malpara
  • IKS Orantho
  • IKS Pagh
  • IKS Slivin

K't'inga Class

  • IKS Amar
  • IKS B'Moth
  • IKS Gr'oth
  • IKS T'Ong
  • IKS Vorn
  • IKS Y'tem

Negh’Var Class

Vor'cha Class

Romulan Vessels

D'deridex Class

  • IRV Devoras
  • IRV Khazara
  • IRV Temet
  • IRV Terix

Valdore Class


More To Come Soon...

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