User:Vass/Sandbox/Starfleet Personnel

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Below are the lists of Starfleet personnel and their positions.


Star Fleet Command & Department Heads

Name Rank Position
Dan Taylor Fleet Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Starfleet Commander in Chief
Alex Chadwick Admiral
Head of Starfleet Operations
Montgomery Scott Admiral
Head of Starfleet Corps of Engineers
Jackie Clawson Admiral
Head of Starfleet Security & Tactical
Gai'lar Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral
Head of Starfleet Medical
T'Varel Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral
Head of Starfleet Science
Falco Tauvits Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral
Head of Starfleet Intelligence
Logan Callahan Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Director of Starfleet Special Investigations
Brown Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Starfleet liason to the Federation Council
Nicholas McGreggor Commodore
Starfleet Academy Commandant
Oswald Harris Captain
Head of Starfleet Communications and New Pathfinder Project

First Fleet

Name Rank Position
Sam Moore Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
First Fleet Commanding Officer
Donatra Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Starfleet Rapid Response Task Force Commanding Officer
Aziel Grex Commodore
Mars Defence Group Commanding Officer
Gregory Fernandez Commodore
Utopia Planitia Shipyards Commanding Officer

Second Fleet

Name Rank Position
Matthew Royce Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Second Fleet Commanding Officer

Starfleet Re-Development Operations

Name Rank Position
Judith Marshall-Bennet Admiral
Head of Starfleet Re-Development Operations
Jessica Galagher Commodore
Assistant Head of Starfleet Re-Development Operations
Tal Celes Commander
USS Archimedes Commanding Officer
Kiritalas sh'Khane Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Chief Of Staff of Starfleet Re-Development Operations

Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative

Name Rank Position

Bajoran Sector Operations

Name Rank Position
Kira Nerys Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral
Director of Bajoran Sector Operations
Julian Bashir Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Deputy Director of Bajoran Sector Operations
Ezri Dax Commodore
Task Group Commander, Bajoran Sector Operations
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