Shannon Keaton

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{{Civilian Character
|image= [[Image:Keaton1.jpg]]
|      color = Civilian
|name= Shannon Keaton
|   firstname = Shannon
|Homeworld= Earth
|    lastname = Keaton
|Species= Human
|      image = [[Image:Keaton1.jpg]]
|Gender= Female
|     caption =  
|Birth= January 14, 2344
|     species = [[Human]]
|Death= n/a
|  homeworld = [[Earth]]
|Height= Six Feet
|   ethnicity =  
|Weight= 143lbs
|     gender = Female
|Hair= Brunette
|       born = January 14, 2344
|Eyes= Brown
|       eyes = Brown
|Affiliation= [[United Federation of Planets]]
|       hair = Brown
|Posting= [[Federation Council]]
|     height = 6'0"
|Position= Representative for [[Earth]]
|     weight = 143 lbs.
|Rank= Councillor
| affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]
|Played By= NPC originally created by [[User:MJ|Paul Redford]]
| assignment = [[Federation Council]]
}}'''Shannon Keaton''' (born January 14, 2344) is a Councillor on the [[Federation Council]], and is the current representative for [[Earth]] on the council. She served twelve years as Governor of [[Archer IV]]. She is seen as popular politician with many citizens of the [[Federation]]. She is well liked due to her nature of being direct and doing what she thinks ''"the people of the Federation want"''. She has announced her intentions to [[Keaton & Warne Presidential Campaign, 2405|run]] for [[Federation President]].
|   position = Respresentative for [[Earth]]
|       rank = Councillor
|   insignia =
|firstmention =
| firstappear =
|  lastappear =
|      player = NPC by [[User:MJ|Paul Redford]]
|      status =
|    status2 =
|        im2 =
|    caption2 =
'''Shannon Keaton''' (born January 14, 2344) is a Councillor on the [[Federation Council]], and is the current representative for [[Earth]] on the council. She served twelve years as Governor of [[Archer IV]]. She is seen as popular politician with many citizens of the [[Federation]]. She is well liked due to her nature of being direct and doing what she thinks ''"the people of the Federation want"''. She has announced her intentions to [[Keaton & Warne Presidential Campaign, 2405|run]] for [[Federation President]].
==Professional Career==
==Professional Career==
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Ethan Keaton is the eldest son of Shannon & Charles; he was born on May 28th 2385. Ethan is a very outgoing youngster and enjoys all aspects of sport, especially soccer. Even though he has a large group of friends, Ethan only considers himself close to two best friends he has known since he was born. A keen musician Ethan has learnt how to play the tenor saxophone as well as the piano. On his fifth birthday he grandparents gave him a 20th Century Earth jukebox which he became fond of as his grandfather would sing to him many famous 20th Century Earth classic popular songs. Unlike his friends who want to join Starfleet, Ethan sees his future life being based on his interests of either music or sport. He was raised up by his mother on Earth who he helped in looking after his “little sister”. Even though he will never admit it to others he is very protective of his mother and sister, and sees it as his duty to carry on his father’s role as the “man of the family.”
Ethan Keaton is the eldest son of Shannon & Charles; he was born on May 28th 2385. Ethan is a very outgoing youngster and enjoys all aspects of sport, especially soccer. Even though he has a large group of friends, Ethan only considers himself close to two best friends he has known since he was born. A keen musician Ethan has learnt how to play the tenor saxophone as well as the piano. On his fifth birthday he grandparents gave him a 20th Century Earth jukebox which he became fond of as his grandfather would sing to him many famous 20th Century Earth classic popular songs. Unlike his friends who want to join Starfleet, Ethan sees his future life being based on his interests of either music or sport. He was raised up by his mother on Earth who he helped in looking after his “little sister”. Even though he will never admit it to others he is very protective of his mother and sister, and sees it as his duty to carry on his father’s role as the “man of the family.”
===Danielle Keaton===
[[Image:Keaton_danielle1a.jpg|thumb|left|Danielle Keaton in 2405]]
[[Image:Keaton_danielle1a.jpg|thumb|left|Danielle Keaton in 2405]]
===Danielle Keaton===
The youngest Keaton sibling, she was born on July 19th, 2386. Danielle unlike her brother is shy and loves being surrounded by works of classic Earth literature and art. She is a keen writer and states her favourite piece of literature is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières. She feels the novel is a clear indication of how life for the “smaller” people should be perceived by history. The only main sport she enjoys the most is tennis, a hobby which she shares with her mother. Danielle does find it hard in making friends, which makes the friends she has to be seen as her “best-friends”. She also enjoys the challenge of learning languages and sees her possible future career plans as a linguistic. Out of the two siblings, Danielle found it the easiest to adjust to life on Earth as she enjoyed the enriched multi-cultural society she was part of, where back on Archer IV it was a more heavily dominated Human population even compared to Earth.
The youngest Keaton sibling, she was born on July 19th, 2386. Danielle unlike her brother is shy and loves being surrounded by works of classic Earth literature and art. She is a keen writer and states her favourite piece of literature is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières. She feels the novel is a clear indication of how life for the “smaller” people should be perceived by history. The only main sport she enjoys the most is tennis, a hobby which she shares with her mother. Danielle does find it hard in making friends, which makes the friends she has to be seen as her “best-friends”. She also enjoys the challenge of learning languages and sees her possible future career plans as a linguistic. Out of the two siblings, Danielle found it the easiest to adjust to life on Earth as she enjoyed the enriched multi-cultural society she was part of, where back on Archer IV it was a more heavily dominated Human population even compared to Earth.
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==Alternative Timeline==
==Alternative Timeline==
In an alternative timeline where the Borg War never occurred Shannon Keaton rose to become President of the [[United Federation of Planets]] ([[ENT-F]]: "[[The Continued Mission]]").
In an alternative timeline where the Borg War never occurred Shannon Keaton rose to become President of the [[United Federation of Planets]] ([[ENT-F]]: "[[The Continued Mission]]").
[[Category:characters|Keaton, Shannon]]
[[Category:NPC characters|Keaton, Shannon]]

Latest revision as of 21:02, 26 September 2009

Shannon Keaton







January 14, 2344








143 lbs.


United Federation of Planets


Federation Council


Respresentative for Earth




NPC by Paul Redford

[ Source ]

Shannon Keaton (born January 14, 2344) is a Councillor on the Federation Council, and is the current representative for Earth on the council. She served twelve years as Governor of Archer IV. She is seen as popular politician with many citizens of the Federation. She is well liked due to her nature of being direct and doing what she thinks "the people of the Federation want". She has announced her intentions to run for Federation President.


Professional Career

Before the 25th Century

Keaton at the age of thirty six became the Vice Chancellor at the Medway University on Archer IV and was head of university’s school of political science and affairs. She later was asked to be the running mate of Shawn Carnes, when he went for Archer IV’s governorship. They succeeded and Carnes became Archer IV’s governor in 2383, Keaton became his Lieutenant-Governor and was seen as a popular leader with the colony’s inhabitants. However nine months in to their first term of office tragedy struck as Carnes was diagnosed with Clarke's Disease. Carnes decided to act upon this and transfer his governor ship over to Keaton under the advisement of Federation President, Nanietta Bacco. Keaton was augmented in to office of the Archer IV Governorship a month later and remained in the position for twelve years. During her time as governor she had to lead her world in accepting many refugees from the Borg War who were seeking escape from the conflict which was ravaging the galaxy. While on a good will tour of the Federation in 2391, Keaton was on Earth attempting to gain support from Starfleet in providing more defence for Archer IV. However it was at this time that a massive Borg armada swept through the region in which the Archer system was located in. All contact was lost with the system and Starfleet declared it as no-fly-zone due to long rang intelligence scans of the area indicated possible transwarp signatures. Keaton was forced to remain on Earth, and while on Earth did all she could to petition for Starfleet to launch an offensive in to the sector and find out what happened to the Federation world. Her petition went unanswered and the Federation President denied her request. She was later asked to consider becoming Earth’s councillor for the Federation Council after Matthew Mazibuko retired from the position. Keaton agreed and was nominated by Earth’s Prime Minister, Gates Van Doren and was approved by a one hundred percent confirmation vote by the Federation Council.

As councillor for Earth Shannon Keaton pushed for the Federation Council to have Starfleet set up a large defence network in the Sol system after the Battle of Sol. The "Keaton Defence Proposal" was what placed Keaton in the ‘public eye’.

After the 25th Century

In 2400 Earth had become a place filled with refugees who attempted to escape the Borg War. The planet had become over populated and the world was slowly being destroyed by pollution. The United Earth Government passed the Earth Environmental Protection Act, in which Keaton had submit to the Federation Council. However due to the Federation Senate being formed during the Borg War, the act had to be submitted to the Senate. During her time as councillor for Earth Keaton had gained several opponents in the senate who wanted to use Earth for what was best for their people, even if it meant possible destruction to the planet’s eco-system. Her major opponent was Federation Vice President Edward Jellico who attempted to have the act abolished and push for the Federation government to push for the new terraforming project to make Mars a more M class world a priority. However the act was passed after President Spock intervened and stated that even though Earth was a shelter for many races it was not fair for the Federation to go against the wishes of the United Earth Government, who had so far had hosted and cared so many people in a time of need. The U.E.G. was granted permission from the president to govern Earth without having to constantly request permission from the Federation Council and Senate. This enraged many key senators and the Federation media was quick to make Keaton the reason why Spock provided the U.E.G. the leanness to govern a world which was crucial to the survival of so many races and cultures. After this political drama Keaton took the time to tour Earth, to get a perspective of how bad things were getting for the people and how the Federation Council could help them. From her time visiting various people of numerous denominations she learnt that the Federation Senate wasn’t really representing the people correctly and many wanted to see a return to the ‘old ways’ in which the Federation was governed. She also found many other non-humans wanting to return to their homeworlds to see what was left of their own civilisations. Returning to the Council she met with the councillors of Andoria, Tellar Prime, Denobula, and Vulcan in 2401 to propose the possibility of a number of their own people being allowed to return to their homeworlds. She gained support from all councillors except one, Vulcan. Councillor T’Mirm of Vulcan stated to Keaton she couldn’t support her Journey Home Project due to her being ordered by her superiors on Vulcan ordering her not to vote for it. The councillors of Andoria, Tellar Prime and Denobula joined Keaton in the proposal, which received heavy support from representatives from Terra Nova and Vega. Both of which proposed a massive relocation program for many inhabitants of Earth to either of their worlds. Keaton received support from an unlikely ally, Councillor Odo of the Dominion – who pledged to have several large Dominion ships to assist in the relocation program. The Journey Home Project was a success in the middle of 2402 with many people wanting to get off Earth and make new lives for themselves on other worlds. Again Keaton’s popularity with the public increased as she was now seen as leader of saving many people’s lives. However by 2404 Earth was still plagued with over population and pollution, this didn’t aide too well with the relocation program being slowed down due to conflicts arising with the Vulcans and Klingon Empire.

In 2404 Councillor Glav of Tellarite proposed the dissolution of the Federation Senate due to the fact that each Federation member state was represented on the Council, and also the Senate wasn’t performing in the role it was originally intended for – to allow members of the Federation to have a voice during the Borg War. The Borg War was now at an end and the people of the Federation had their voices heard in the Great Hall of the Federation Council. Keaton supported the proposal which gained a majority vote of over seventy five percent of the council agreeing to the proposal. Keaton went on with Glav to work on the change over of the Senate members over to the Council. The proposal was still in session and had not been confirmed by the President before the Federation Senate building was bombed by terrorists.

Later on in the year President Spock ordered Keaton to lead the Federation delegation sent to negioate a non agression pact with the Vulcan government. She successfully performed those duties which resulted in an un-easy non agression pact being signed. At the same time got word that Starfleet had re-established contact with Archer IV. She found out that her husband had assumed her duties as governor and the world had successfully got through the war (ENT-F: "The Continued Mission").

At the start of 2405 once again she was assigned by President Spock to lead a group of councillors and other Federation officials to tour worlds outside of the Inner Core Territory of the Federation. She was escorted by the USS Enterprise-F to the Bajoran Commonwealth (ENT-F: "Beyond The Next Star").

Presidential Election

In 2405 shortly after President Spock died and after completing the mission within the Bajoran Commonwealth Shannon Keaton's name was nominated to the Federation Council as a candidate for the upcoming Presidential Election. She agreed to run with Councillor Gerrard Warne as her running mate.

See Keaton & Warne Presidential Campaign, 2405.

Personal Life

Shannon Keaton also has the roles of daughter, wife and mother which she carries with the high family values which she took from her own parents. She lost contact with her husband and parents when she was visiting Earth in 2391. Both her children joined her on her good will tour of the Federation, and she was forced in to the role of a single mother when she could no longer be in touch with her husband.

Jacqueline and Donald Calloway

Both her parents are still alive and when Shannon entered her governorship of Archer IV the two of them were keen supporters and aided heavily in the care of their grandchildren during Shannon’s first term as governor. Jacqueline is retired high school principal on Archer IV, while Donald is a retired freighter captain.

Lucas Calloway

Lucas was her only brother and is the eldest out of the two Calloway siblings. The two were very close to during her childhood. Lucas was killed during the Dominion War on board the USS Galaxy during the final days of the conflict. He served as the Galaxy’s chief security and tactical officer.

Charles Keaton

See Charles Keaton

Ethan Keaton in 2405

Ethan Keaton

Ethan Keaton is the eldest son of Shannon & Charles; he was born on May 28th 2385. Ethan is a very outgoing youngster and enjoys all aspects of sport, especially soccer. Even though he has a large group of friends, Ethan only considers himself close to two best friends he has known since he was born. A keen musician Ethan has learnt how to play the tenor saxophone as well as the piano. On his fifth birthday he grandparents gave him a 20th Century Earth jukebox which he became fond of as his grandfather would sing to him many famous 20th Century Earth classic popular songs. Unlike his friends who want to join Starfleet, Ethan sees his future life being based on his interests of either music or sport. He was raised up by his mother on Earth who he helped in looking after his “little sister”. Even though he will never admit it to others he is very protective of his mother and sister, and sees it as his duty to carry on his father’s role as the “man of the family.”

Danielle Keaton in 2405

Danielle Keaton

The youngest Keaton sibling, she was born on July 19th, 2386. Danielle unlike her brother is shy and loves being surrounded by works of classic Earth literature and art. She is a keen writer and states her favourite piece of literature is Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières. She feels the novel is a clear indication of how life for the “smaller” people should be perceived by history. The only main sport she enjoys the most is tennis, a hobby which she shares with her mother. Danielle does find it hard in making friends, which makes the friends she has to be seen as her “best-friends”. She also enjoys the challenge of learning languages and sees her possible future career plans as a linguistic. Out of the two siblings, Danielle found it the easiest to adjust to life on Earth as she enjoyed the enriched multi-cultural society she was part of, where back on Archer IV it was a more heavily dominated Human population even compared to Earth.

Political Views

Shannon Keaton describes herself as very patriotic and has many independent liberal views. She is also seen as a tough negotiator which highlights her ‘tough’ personification as a leader. She believes the security of the Federation is vital, but the welfare of its people is highly important. She is also known for her unconventional approaches in dealing with political issues, she was described by the Federation News Service as “preferring to get down and involved with getting her hands dirty” when it came to see what the people want from their politicians. Many of her opponents see her as “inexperienced” when it comes to politics even though she taught the subject at one of the Federation’s top universities and ran an entire world for a long time. She was noted by former Federation President, Nan Bacco as a “natural caring leader”. Shannon isn’t afraid to speak her mind and do what she feels is right.


Estefania Callas

See Estefania Callas

Andrus Warknen

See Andrus Warknen

Shianna Uknare

See Shianna Uknare

Belire Kazlaf

See Belire Kazlaf


See Loya


A Denobulan woman who has been Keaton’s personal aide for many years now.

Alternative Timeline

In an alternative timeline where the Borg War never occurred Shannon Keaton rose to become President of the United Federation of Planets (ENT-F: "The Continued Mission").

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