A Good Day To Arise

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"A Good Day To Arise"
Star Trek: Enterprise-F episode
A good day to arise.jpg

The Return Of An Old Foe

Episode no. DS1-06
Start Date July 05
Finish Date December 05
Story Paul Redford
Director Paul Redford
Guest star(s) None
Previous episode
"Along The Stream"
Stardate 79443.27 Year 2403
Next episode
"A Good Day To Defend"

The crew are granted some well deserved R&R on Earth after they are debriefed on their previous mission to retrieve and assemble the members of Project Harmony.



At Starfleet Command Headquarters Fleet Admiral Picard and Admiral Paris are finishing their debriefing of Fleet Captain Marshall-Bennet and providing him with the crew’s new orders. When they return to Deep Space One they will host a delegation from Bajor, who will be there to sign the Federation Charter and become members of the Federation. Picard informs Bennet he will be representing the Federation and signing the treaty on their behalf.

Meanwhile new recruits Doctor Rebecca Reyes Ronax and Lieutenant jg Michael Lastin join the crew, while others take this time to go on vacation. Zack and Johnny decide to visit Windward Coast on Oahu Island, Hawaii. While there Zack encounters Captain Rachel Hernandez, the commanding officer of the USS Columbia , the next starship to be of the Century class. The two catch up on passing notes of being a Starfleet captain. In the evening the captain meets up with his sister, Hannah who has become an operations officer on board the USS Archer.

On board the Enterprise Commander T’Val is left in charge of the flagship while it is in dock, however her emotional control continues to diminish at a slow rate. Lastin meets with Ronax who find a kindred spirit over sharing their new transfer. While Pike finds it hard to get to use to Megeen Donrav who replaced his beloved Kentra. Pike decides to visit his father on Earth to get his mind off of Megeen. On the USS Warhawk Lieutenant K’mdik takes a trip to Chicago to see his extended family, and finally confronts his father over his apparent marriage with K’Midik’s mother. K’Midik warns his father, who had abused his mother years ago that if he steps out of line he will do whatever it takes to protect his mother and family from the man who disgraced them all.

Admiral Paris invites the crew to attend a ceremony at Command Headquarters, while there many of them are receive promotions and awards. The captain also the first recipient of the Kathryn Janeway Medal of Distinct Service.

Several weeks later and the Enterprise and Warhawk are back at Deep Space One to prepare for the delegates from Bajor arriving. Everyone readjusts to the life back on the station, however the captain with his new diplomatic officer Lieutenant Natascha Rowen take time to ready everything for their guests and finalise the treaty.

The day of the delegates arrival is disturbed when the station receive a distress call from a Tellarite convoy. The Warhawk is sent out to respond, while the station takes on the delegates.

During the initial reception of the delegates the captain is interrupted from a communiqué from Starfleet Command, Admiral Paris tells him of a terrorist bomb which was detonated at Fleet Admiral Picard’s birthday celebrations. Over one thousand five hundred are presumed killed with many injured, among the dead are Admiral Beverly Crusher and Fleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. The news of the bombing shocks everyone on the station, Johnathan is eager to return to Earth to help out with the investigation by Admiral Paris wants the crew to continue with the peace talks with the Bajorans.

The Warhawk escorts the Tellarite convoy back to the station and begins to go through the cargo they had found and were about to hand over to Starfleet. As Commander Marshall-Bennet goes through the wreckages of several allied ships lost from the Borg War his salvage team finds the dedication plaque of the USS Enterprise-E. He shows this to his brother who is astonished to find a piece of history.

The peace treaty regarding Bajor’s re-admission is finally agreed on by all and the signing of the documents is complete. A celebration is hosted on the station with all attending. However the next morning some bad news hits the crew. With the delegates off the station on board the USS Skedans, the station looses contact with two monitoring probes setup in the Briar Patch. The probes last readings indicated their signals being jammed by theta radiation, which indicates the presence of a ship. The captain sends the Warhawk out to discover what is going out there, while the station goes to tactical alert to prepare for the worse after its communication relays cease to respond.

On board the Warhawk Johnathan and the crew discover more and more of the monitoring probes either destroyed or not in their correct positions. They soon encounter a cloak fleet, when the Warhawk confronts the cloaked armada they make contact with a number of Klingon ships, however there is one non Klingon ship with them. A battered and torn Sovereign Class vessel sits in the middle of the fleet, it is none other then the former Federation flagship, USS Enterprise-E. The Warhawk attempts to make an escape run back to the station but is pursued by the Klingon attack force.

As the Warhawk makes its final approach to Deep Space One it finally gives in to the repeated bombardment of weapon fire against its hull and it explodes. However flying in is the Enterprise who beam the entire crew of the Warhawk in time. The station hails the Klingons and asks for a reason why they have committed acts of aggression. A General Kohlart of the IKS Roh'Kaht answers to Fleet Captain Marshall-Bennet telling him to hand over the Tellarites who stole from their salvage site, Zack denies Kohlart of his demand and the general tells the captain to prepare for battle. Between the fight against the Starfleet forces against the Klingon ships, the Enterprise-F engages the Enterprise-E and boards the former flagship to take it from the Klingons. The station receives damage but is able to push the Klingons in to retreat after they loose the Enterprise-E. The USS Equinox arrives in the patch to aide in the fight. However the Klingons have done serious damage to the station.

Three months later the captain finally receives word that Starfleet can not provide any external aide in the station’s repairs. Admiral Paris orders for the Enterprise-E to be returned to Earth to be placed in the Starfleet Museum. Paris also orders Zack to take over command of the Enterprise-F on a full time basis. Command of the station is to be transferred to Captain Marla Gilmore as her crew on the Equinox take on the roles of the former crew. The Federation Council wants to the Enterprise to investigate the threat level coming from the Klingons now.

Special Played Guest Characters

Non Played Guest Characters

Starfleet Officers

Miranda Crew

Enterprise-F Crew


Special Non Played Guest Characters

Noted Ship Appearances


Klingon Defence Force

Memorable Quotes

"The Council has agreed seeing as D-S-One is closer to Bajor and you already have opened a dialogue with the Bajoran leaders that you should represent the Federation in signing the treaty."
"Me?" Says in a high pitched voice before clearing his throat at and saying it again in a lower deep voice, "Me sir?"

- Jean-Luc Picard to Zack Marshall-Bennet after telling him his the Federation representative for Bajor’s re-admission in to the Federation

"Is that? Is that the official word from Admiral Paris?" gestures to a padd in T'Val's hands
"No sir this is the list I made for your Santa Claus legend, I have been a good girl this year," In a deadpanned tone. She tilts her head, “Did you find that funny sir? I am attempting to be funny given that my Vulcan citizenship has been revoked and I have not been able to maintain my emotional control."
"Best leave the Sarcasm and Jokes to me T’Val."

- Zack Marshall-Bennet, T’Val & Johnathan Marshall-Bennet

Background Out Of Character Information

  • This was the official last mission for Star Trek: Deep Space One as a Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative sim. The entire crew decided to transfer over to the Enterprise-F full time after the enjoyable Project Harmony story-arc.
  • Doctor Rebecca Reyes Ronax, Lieutenant junior grade Michael Lastin, Lieutenant Natascha Rowen & Lieutenant Robert Lawrie join the crew in this mission.

Other Related Topics

Bajoran Starfleet, Bajor, Earth, Earth Environmental Protection Act, Klingon Empire, Starfleet Re-Development Operations

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