Futility's End History

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A Post Dominion Alpha Quadrant

Even though prosperity and aspiration for the Alpha Quadrant was only a dream away, for many the scars of the Dominion War remained. The peace in the galaxy was fragile and a single misdoing could mean destruction for all.

Miranda-Class Starship In Action

United Federation of Planets

For the Federation some good did arrive. The safe return home of the starship Voyager brought back new ideas, new discoveries and a lot of new technology to help the Federation remain a main power in the galaxy. At the same time however, the Federation lost members due to their fear that remaining part of the organisation would bring more conflict to their worlds. Despite this, the Federation gained some new members including Bajor which joined in 2376. The Federation was engaged in only minor conflicts, the most notable of which involved the C'Hakilian Empire in the deep reaches of the Beta Quadrant as well tensions with the Gorn near the Cestus system. Nonetheless Starfleet was well on its way to returning to its pre-war state. Ship construction and recruitment were on a high and several old classes of ships were decommissioned including many Miranda and Excelsior class starships as newer designs were built. Starfleet also took the approach to make more combat oriented classes, which including high production of the ever successful Sovereign and Akira class starships. Intrepid, Explorer, and Nova class ships were built to take over the role as primary explorers for Starfleet while production of Defiant, Saber, Norway and Steamrunner class vessels were increased at every construction facility. Starfleet also took this time to return to its roots in exploration, encountering several new races.

Romulan Star Empire

Klingons & Romulans

The Reman coup d'état of the Romulan Senate brought bad news for the Romulans. Production of raw materials decreased by forty five percent. To help keep the Romulan people content, military spending was cut by sixty eight percent. New ships were put on hold while existing ships were forced to operate longer without refits or repairs. This was done in the name of helping the Romulan people. Another uprising, it was feared, could destroy the Star Empire. Several conflicts did erupt between the Romulans and the Tholian Assembly over claimed space, however these were resolved. A war was averted with the Federation as the two powers worked together and relations were improved between the two.

Klingon Empire

Things were improving within the Klingon Empire, as well. Chancellor Martok united the Klingon people in a way not seen since Kahless himself. The Klingon Defence Force was also well on its way to recovering its losses and the future seemed bright for the Klingons, too. More and more Klingon citizens were joining the KDF as upgrades were undertaken on a number of Klingon ship classes. Like the Federation, the Klingon Empire increased production of its more powerful warships to be prepared for another possible war with either the Dominion or other hostile powers such as the Breen.

Ferengi Alliance

The Ferengi Alliance was more stable then ever with its new reforms under the new leadership of Grand Nagus Rom. The Alliance was making more profit than ever before as many female Ferengi became key players in negotiations for trade routes and business proposals. The Grand Nagus was quite aware of the horrors of war, and didn’t want his leadership to appear to others as powerless so like many other governments, military spending was increased. An unprecendented number of ships were built alongside other defence systems. Many Ferengi, both male and female saw the profit in serving in the armed forces and were eager to join. More reforms were put in place to prevent corruption in the armed services as well all Ferengi businesses. Grand Nagus Rom offered the Federation an alliance proposal. Many Starfleet officials were sceptical but they soon realised they needed all the help they could get in maintaining galactic peace and rebuilding after the Dominion War and a treaty was signed.

Cardassian Union

The Cardassian Union was devastated following the Dominion War with many of its civilian population killed during the Dominion’s last ditch attempt at genocide. After the war had ended Cardassian space was split up between the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. Cardassia Prime itself was placed under joint control of the allies as well the Cardassians. By 2376 a new democratic government came to power lead by Legate Alon Ghemor. The Cardassians recieved aid from their new guardians as well other sources including Bajor and the Ferengi Alliance. Four years later Cardassia Prime was slowly returning to its feet and the allies were able to pull out of a few systems handing control back over to the Cardassian government. The Cardassians had also found their ancestral links of art, religion, scientific discovery and peaceful existence with others.

New Beginnings...

2380 brought the start of what many believed would become a new golden age for galactic peace. The Federation was securing itself as a stable power and its influences were reaching far across the stars. Many governments were at peace or allied with the Federation. The Federation’s influences continued to spread in to every corner of the galaxy. There wasn’t a part of the Milky Way were at least one Starfleet ship was passing the “Federation Gospel� to new races or to old acquaintances. Starfleet also increased its “officer exchange program� with other powers including the Romulans, Ferengi, Klingons and Cardassians.

Peace and Prosperity

On May 12th this idea was confirmed when a single Dominion attack ship entered the Alpha Quadrant, docked at Deep Space Nine and announced they had come to offer lasting peace to the Federation and Klingons from the Dominion.
The Dominion Attack Ship
The Founder on board was Odo who was keen for mutual cooperation between solids and changelings. This was a sign to many that peaceful co-existence between the Gamma and Alpha Quadrants was possible and many Federation officials accepted the offer with open arms. Starfleet Command uneasily accepted a meeting between top Federation and Dominion leaders. The Klingons were less than hopeful, but Chancellor Martok saw the possibilities of peace with the once-hated foe, as well as the inherent dishonor if he didn't accept. Five days later the Negh'Var along with six other Klingon warships arrived at DS9 with Martok on board. They met Federation President Nanietta Bacco aboard the USS Enterprise-E, escorted by the USS Defiant, USS T’Kumbra, USS Gryphon, USS Cerberus and USS Luna. The following morning, they passed though the wormhole and were met by Odo, whom they followed to a nearby Dominion Starbase. One week later, the Federation and Klingon ships returned to the Alpha Quadrant, with the Alpha/Gamma Peace Accords in their hands.

Upon hearing about the treaty, the new leader of the Cardassian Union, Legate Garak was enraged. He felt that both the Federation and Klingons were turning their backs on the Cardassian people. The Federation tried to assure the Cardassians this treaty would benefit everyone, but Garak wouldn't hear it. He publicly criticized the treaty, finding support from two unlikely sources: the Romulans and the Breen. Garak then recalled all Cardassian ships serving in Starfleet units on exchange training missions, and cut off diplomatic relations.

The Invasion

On the June 1st 2382 Starfleet Intelligence received word that the Krazzle Empire was suffering from a major Borg incursion. Starfleet sent the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 86 lead by Rear Admiral Taylor to the Krazzle border. Almost immediately contact was lost with the area of space and information became limited, but what had made it through was that the Krazzle had lost more then eighty percent of their fleet and their homeworld had been assimilated. Task Force 86 held the line long enough for several civilian transport convoys to make it out escorted by the remains of the Krazzle fleet. The news of the Borg attack was a shock to the Federation and its allies as they estimated the Borg would still be trying to rebuild after the destruction of their transwarp hub and Unimatrix Zero One after the USS Voyager’s return home in late 2377. The Federation Alliance had pledged to defend each other and those less fortunate then themselves against the Borg. All Federation Alliance forces went on a round-the-clock tactical alert. Every single ship was constantly scanning for Borg transwarp energy signatures and preparing for the worst. Production of combat oriented starships was increased in both the Federation and in the Klingon Empire. Near to the Krazzle border Starfleet’s Fourth Fleet began to monitor any movement in and around Krazzle occupied space. The Fourth Fleet’s Task Forces 58 and 63 began to constantly monitor Krazzle space, while Task Force 44 escorted over fifteen freighters and transports to Avalon Fleet Yards. With the yards' top secret nature, Starfleet couldn't afford to have them fall to the Borg. R & D and Advanced Starship construction facilities were dismantled and moved to Xavier Fleet Yards. R & D's original base of operations was refitted as an armored station for defense. AFY's main operations station also had its defence systems upgraded. A few dry-docks were retained to serve as forward repair bases should Borg forces be encountered. Starfleet Command gave the order for all bases to begin upgrades to their tactical defence systems. This included Deep Space Nine, Starbase 375, Starbase 565, as well as Starbase Bravo who was ordered to protect the Federation's newest member: Raeya 3.

First Contact (2382)

By the end of June 2382 the USS Yorktown-E, was sent into Krazzle space to gather intelligence on Borg activity and the status of the Krazzle Empire. On July 28th, 2382, a faint transmission was received by AFY. It had been sent by the Yorktown from within Krazzle space. Only four words could be heard: "Many cubes… heading Raeya." The Yorktown and her crew were never heard from again.

Battle of Raeya

The Federation Alliance went on a fleet-wide red alert as they got ready for the possibility of the Borg striking them next. Elements from Starfleet’s Ninth and Fourth Fleets were met by the Klingon 242nd Battle Squadron at the edge of the Raeya system. On August 3rd, 2382, they were engaged by the Borg. The allied fleet compromised of more then four hundred combat designed ships that were met by nearly fifty Borg ships; eighteen of which were Cubes while the rest were spheres. Starfleet ships took the lead and opened fire using transphasic torpedoes to destroy the Borg armada. The Borg force was decimated. As the crews of the Allied Fleets cheered, a second wave of Borg ships; this time composed of Tactical Cubes and Spheres arrived. Once again transphasic torpedoes were fired but the fear the Borg would adapt to them was realised. Nine Tactical Cubes escorted by twenty six spheres had entered the system but were unaffected by Starfleet’s most powerful weapon.

The combined Federation & Klingon armada

The Allied Fleet soon fell back to the inner core of the Rayea system and their fall back strategy of splitting the Fleet up into mixed task groups of Starfleet and Klingon ships. The Borg soon chased them down and the Battle of Rayea commenced. A single Starfleet ship was able to retreat from the system to inform the Federation and Klingon Empire of what was happening. After the message was received and confirmed the ship was soon attacked by the Borg. No one knows what happened to the Fleet, Avalon Fleet Yards, Starbase Bravo or Raeya 3.

The Allied Response

The Klingon Empire sent more then half of their ships to their borders and began fortifying every one of their star systems. The Romulan Star Empire kicked their ship building back into high gear and set up a massive sensor network through their space. The Romulans also received some unexpected help from The Order Realm located near their space. The Order knew that they couldn't stand alone against the Borg, and hoped that the Romulans would agree to a pact of mutual support. Starfleet considered the Raeya System a loss and ordered any remaining ships in the Beta Quadrant to fall back to the Alpha Quadrant. Their fourth fleet’s Task Force 21 quickly evacuated Kovar Colony and dismantled their three bases of operations along the C’Hakilian border. Rear Admiral Luke Duncan of Task Force 21 sent a message to the C’Hakilian Empire informing them of the return of the Borg Collective. At the time the C’Hakilians were still threatened with extinction due to an ancient virus that ha been released in their space. As the Task Force and the last of any Federation Alliance vessel retreated from the quadrant no acknowledgement was received from the C’Hakilians. The same message was sent to the Trigati Republic, and again no response was received. No Federation contact has been made with either race since then.

Romulan Battle of Sharona (2385)

By the start of 2385 the general belief was that the Borg Collective was not coming for the Federation Alliance. Many strategists theorised that they wanted to test the Federation and its allies’ defences to see their status since the last Borg Incursion of 2373. Others believed they just wanted to take over Krazzle space.

The Romulan prepare to fight the Borg
Those beliefs were shattered on Feburary 6th as over 100 Borg vessels entered Romulan space and attacked their outpost at Sharona 5. The Romulans sent a fleet of six hundred and seventeen ships to defend the planet. Many were Warbirds who were supported by refitted D7 Battlecruisers. The fleet intercepted the Borg and engaged. The Romulans put up a good fight, and destroyed more then eighty nine enemy ships. However the Borg were too much and the fleet was defeated with many warbirds having to retreat back to Romulus, Sharona was assimilated, and the Star Empire was thrown into a state of panic.

Klach D'Kel Brakt

Two months later on April 7th, the Borg would attack their next target; the Klingon Empire. The Borg entered Klingon space and were met by the Klingon Defence Force at Klach D'kel Brakt with a force of one thousand three hundred and twenty nine warships, lead by K'rahl Sa', commander of the Klach D'kel Brakt Armored Station. Once again the Borg encountered heavy resistance and were unable to effectively overcome the Klingons in hand to hand combat situations when they boarded Klingon vessels. Only seven Borg ships survived the assault; a single Tactical Cube leading a task group of Spheres and Probes. The Klingons were completely wiped out. The armored station was destroyed and the planet was assimilated. Chancellor Martok was outraged, with nearly one-third of all Klingon ships lost at Klach D'kel Brakt, his options were limited. He recalled three quarters of all remaining ships to the Qo’noS system to defend their homeworld and vital shipbuilding and research bases. Martok then sent Starfleet Captain and Federation Ambassador Worf back to Earth with a special mission: request for the Klingons to become official Federation members. The reason was simple; together they might have a chance to beat the Borg. The Federation Council accepted on the spot. Starfleet re-commissioned the Enterprise-E and gave command to Captain Worf, with Admiral Picard returning to his old ship as mission advisor. The Enterprise would lead a relief force consisting of forty two starships mostly from the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 17 to Qo’noS. The fleet brought medical supplies, food, over five hundred orbital defence weapons platforms, and other resources the Klingons would soon need. In return, fifty seven Klingon transports and freighters, escorted by a dozen Birds of Prey headed into Federation space. A Klingon shipyard started construction at Utopia Planitia, and an armored starbase was built in Earth orbit, opposite to Spacedock One to help defend against the interior attack Humans were fearful of.

Alliance at Deep Space Nine

On October 3rd a single Borg Cube entered the Alpha Quadrant via the Iconian Portal in sector 1012 near to Federation starbase Deep Space Twelve which had just finished its tactical refits and upgrades. The station engaged the Cube as it went flying pass and headed towards the Cardassian Union. DS12 sent a message to all allied forces in the area and the Cardassians. The Union had been rebuilding at an impressive rate come 2384 in starship and interplanetary defence systems. They sent a fleet of seventy nine ships (mainly Keldon-class cruisers) to take on the Cube. The Cardassians were successful in fighting back the Cube, with a loss of only twenty two ships and no Borg drone stepped on to Cardassian soil. The Cardassians agreed to aid in the fight with the Borg. An alliance treaty was signed with the Federation on Deep Space Nine a week later.

The Cardassians prepare to repel the Borg
The Fourth Fleet's Task Force 9 was recalled from the Gamma Quadrant and assigned to defend Bajor. The colony on Altor 2 in that quadrant was abandoned, and Deep Space Fourteen was stripped of anything useful and destroyed to keep it from falling into alien hands. Task Force 9 returned through the Bajoran Wormhole while other Portals were sealed by matter/anti-matter detonations.

Two months later and on December 5th just under twenty Breen ships arrived at Deep Space Nine. They reported that the Borg had attacked them, wiped out a majority of their fleet and destroyed their homeworld. Their Energy Dissipater weapons held the Borg off at first, but the technology was quickly assimilated. The USS Archer with two other Federation ships escorted four Breen warships and several of their frieghters to Starbase 375 where they would head to Earth under the escort of more Federation ships. Three days later elements from the Seventh Fleet arrived at Deep Space Nine with the Fourth Fleet’s Task Forces 38 and 72. They arrived just in time as Three Tactical Cubes entered Bajoran space and opened fire. When Starfleet Command heard of the attack, they ordered Admiral Robert Chadwick to pass though the Bajoran Wormhole and request aid from the Dominion. In the meantime, two of the Borg ships were destroyed and the third appeared to fall back. Starfleet had lost one hundred and twelve ships from the 7th Fleet and six from the 4th Fleet’s two task forces in a disastrous engagement.

First Dominion Engagement

The Borg invaded Ferengi space late in 2385. Many Ferengi quickly fled in to Federation space becoming refugees. On 1st January, 2386, Grand Nagus Rom fled from Ferenginar with a fleet of nineteen Ferengi ships being chased by four Borg Cubes. Starfleet had over two hundred and fifty ships already stationed in the Bajor system and were ready for the approaching Borg force. They engaged the Borg, but soon found the Borg had made improvements to their own defences. Any Starfleet shields less advanced than the more combat oriented systems installed throughout the Fourth Fleet were unable to defend against Borg weapons.

Dominion Attack Fighers engage the Borg
At the height of the battle, the Wormhole opened and out poured nearly four thousand Dominion ships, lead by Admiral Chadwick's USS Farragut. With the help of the Dominion, a race the Borg had never encountered, the attacking Cubes were quickly destroyed and the Bajoran system saved, again. Starfleet allowed the Dominion to set up a base of operations in the Dreon System near Bajor as well as a shipyard and cloning facility at Utopia Planitia Shipyards. The Federation clearly saw the key to the survival of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants was the Dominion. Starfleet also gave the order for all of their ships that hadn’t received the latest improvements in defence technology to undergo refits and upgrades. By the end of February all Starfleet ships were outfitted for war.

Battle of Ferenginar (2386)

March 23rd saw the first counter offensive against the Borg Collective. An allied Fleet of two hundred and seventy two Dominion ships, seventy two Federation ships, twenty one Klingon ships, and eighteen Cardassian ships, lead by Fleet Admiral Alynna Nechayev and the USS Gorkon, attacked the Borg holding Ferenginar. They engaged four spheres, nine probes and one cube which were apparently caught off-guard. Despite this it took a tough fight for the Borg to be destroyed and it was at a cost of a third of the Allied Fleet. Ferenginar had been striped of its resources, but not assimilated. After retrieving debris from the Borg cube the Allies discovered that the Borg had determined Ferenginar to be a “pool of resources� that would aid them in their invasions.

Status quo was the phrase through the rest of 2386 and well into '87. Borg attacks were few, and for the most part were minor engagements with smaller Borg ships such as Spheres and Probes.

Invasion of Romulus

On June 8th, the Borg launched their second offensive against the Romulan Star Empire. They ripped though the joint Romulan & Order forces at Hapor 4 and headed for Romulus itself. The Romulans had setup a massive orbital defence network in their homeworld's system and construction of several Reman Scimitar-Class warbirds was quickly finished. Nothing was heard from the Romulans for several days.

Concerned more for their own security than for their Romulan allies, Starfleet sent the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 93 along with sixty two Dominion vessels to Qualor 2 to be ready if the Borg continued forward beyond Romulan space. At this time a major evacuation of the Qualor system began and Deep Space Six's crew was ordered to deploy a massive minefield in and around the Qualor system.

The Romulan Fleet arriving in Sol

Within days, contact was lost with Deep Space Four and Deep Space Five. Captain Riker on the USS Titan was sent to find out why. The Titan reported both stations destroyed and Borg ships inbound. It was the last transmission ever received from the vessel. While a Federation/Dominion fleet rushed toward the last known location of the Titan, thirty nine Romulan ships arrived at Earth led by the Romulan Star Navy's flagship; the IRV Valdore under the command of Admiral Donatra. Aboard the Valdore were the remaining Romulan Senators and Ambassador Spock. The Romulans soon became the newest Federation member.


Assault through the Transwarp Hub

On September 2nd, the USS Lavigne with two Romulan Scouts was patrolling the former Romulan Neutral Zone. Deep within the Bassen Rift they located a new Borg Transwarp Hub. The three craft swiftly returned to Earth and reported this to Starfleet Command. A mission was planned to distract the Borg armada and to send a small strike force though the hub to attack the Unimatrix and deliver a destructive pathogen to the Collective in hopes of stopping the Borg.

Just over eight hundred Dominion ships launched an offensive against the Borg fleet in orbit of Remus. In the first few minutes the Dominion ships being quick and powerful as they were destroyed almost two thirds of the Borg armada. The Borg were unwilling to loose their grip on the Romulus system. Fourteen out of the seventeen ships guarding the Transwarp Hub were drawn in to the battle leaving the hub protected only by a single Cube and two Spheres.

The Transwarp Hub

Due to the nature of the Bassen Rift the allied task group was able to sneak by undetected using their cloaks. The Klingon/Romulan force of twenty six ships, lead by Nu'Daq Sa' of the IKS Maht-H'a, with mission advisor and former USS Voyager crewmember Lieutenant Commander Annika Hansen (Seven of Nine) aboard entered the Hub. After departing from a transwarp aperture in the Delta Quadrant which wasn’t under Borg surveillance the allied fleet neared Unimatrix Zero One. As they approached they launched ten Cardassian Dreadnought Missiles. Six of these carried Trilithum warheads and targeted the suns of six known Borg worlds. These Dreadnoughts were specially outfitted with modified Romulan cloaking devices to keep them from being detected. The other four were armed with high yield photon torpedoes and aimed at shipyards in the area. The attack was a success. Within moments, the Borg lost over fifty percent of their ship building capabilities. Seconds later, the targeted stars went nova, taking with them the Borg worlds and approximately one hundred billion drones. Seconds later, the targeted stars went nova, taking with them the Borg worlds and approximately one hundred billion drones.

Second Assault

Meanwhile back in the Delta Quadrant the combined Romulan/Klingon strike force launched their second attack; this time against Unimatrix Zero One itself. A single Klingon Bird of Prey decloaked, and fired a powerful tachyon burst at the central Borg structure which knocked its shields offline long enough for several squads of Jem'Hadar soldiers who were all bred to carry a neurolytic pathogen to beam aboard. The Jem’Hadar had been instructed on how to disable the sensors and shielding of the Unimatrix before they themselves were assimilated. The Federation-Dominion designed pathogen began to spread through out the Collective at a rapid speed. The Dominion had engineered the virus to remove the Borg’s ability to assimilate drones and technology. At the same time the effects of the neurolytic pathogen infected the Unimatrix’s drones causing disruption to their electrical signals as well as interference with the interlinks between their organic and cybernetic components.

The Romulans open fire!

This massive disruption gave the allied task force enough time to make sure the Unimatrix was destroyed before they re-entered the Borg’s transwarp network. Several Romulan Warbirds had been outfitted with Federation high yield Tricobalt torpedoes against the unshielded Unimatrix. The Klingon fleet meanwhile used the technique of decloaking near to unprotected Borg ships, beaming over a single photon torpedo near to a power conduit, detonating the torpedo then re-cloaking. Over nineteen Borg ships were heavily crippled through this tactic before the reality of the situation set in.

Final Withdrawal

As the Unimatrix started to explode, four Tactical Cubes which hadn’t been affected by the pathogen entered the area forcing the allied fleet to retreat through the nearest transwarp aperture. Already the Transwarp Hub’s network of interspatial manifolds’ force fields had been taken out by the destruction and death of the Borg Queen at Unimatrix Zero One. After the strike force entered the transwarp hub, a combination of photon, quantum, plasma and tricobalt torpedoes were fired at the manifolds causing a cascade reaction. However a single tactical cube quickly intercepted the allied fleet through another transwarp conduit and began to destroy them one at a time. The IKS Maht-H'a turned back and engaged the cube inside the corridor, allowing nineteen Klingon and Romulan ships to return home before the entire hub network exploded. Last sensor recordings indicated the Maht-H'a had moved in to another conduit near to an aperture in the Delta Quadrant, the Borg Cube itself had been crushed as the network exploded. This was the Allies first major victory over the Borg and is seen by some to be the turning point of the war.

Borg Retaliation (2388)

2388 soon came along and since the September assault against the Borg’s “homeland� from the previous year nearly nine months had gone by with no Borg attacks. At this time a new Starfleet Commander In Chief had come to power; Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway who with her Executive Officer Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, gave the order for starship construction to be increased further and more orbital defence structures deployed.

Battle of Deep Space Nine

However on May 16th the Borg threat returned as the Bajoran Wormhole opened and over five thousand Dominion ships poured into the Alpha Quadrant. Odo, the Dominion’s leader, reported that the Borg had destroyed the Founder’s homeworld and completely ripped though their space. Vice Admiral Kira Nerys, commanding officer of starbase Deep Space Nine ordered all Federation forces in Bajoran space to battlestations. She received a visit from her former commanding officer Captain Sisko a day after the Dominion fleet arrived. He told her he had a vision from the Prophets telling him they had to seal the wormhole to save Bajor from the Borg. Kira wasn’t happy with the idea of sealing the celestial temple and contemplated the decision with the Orb of Wisdom. She too had a vision from the Prophets who spoke to her saying it was time for Bajor to accept responsibility for itself and that the Prophets would never abandon their children. Starfleet monitoring relays in the Gamma Quadrant picked up twenty one Borg energy signatures approaching the wormhole with over four hundred more ships within days of nearing the Gamma terminus of the wormhole. Kira eventually agreed to Sisko’s plan to seal the wormhole from DS9. The station fired graviton beams at the wormhole, destabilizing it. Then, a probe with protomatter aboard was set off inside the mouth of the wormhole, sealing it. Despite this operation, seventeen Borg Cubes and four Spheres managed to traverse the wormhole before it was sealed. DS9 took the brunt of the Borg assault, taken heavy damage and was boarded by several drones. The Borg however weren’t successful in assimilating the station as the Jem’Hadar security personnel on the station repelled every single intruder. Kira then gave the order to abandon the station as its shields failed and its weapons were exhausted. The station was jointly responsible for the destruction of seven Borg cubes. Kira evacuated the remaining of her crew on to her flagship the USS Gryphon. During the battle the Gryphon took heavy damage and contact was lost with the admiral. Admiral Chadwick who had arrived in the Bajoran system an hour before DS9 was abandoned on board his own ship the USS Farragut assumed command. He quickly ordered the Fleet to fall back to Starbase 375. The Borg ships that hadn’t been destroyed by the fleet were left behind to take on the Bajoran orbital defence system however they soon seperated with some heading towards Cardassia Prime. Three other Spheres headed for Starbase 503 within the Bajoran Badlands, and one Cube headed for Trill. As the various battles continued, contact with Cardassia was lost, followed by contact with Bajor, Trill, Deep Space Twelve and Starbase 503. In a daring counter attack, the USS Sentinel lead the handful of remaining Task Force 38 ships and set course for Trill. A message from Admiral Ward was received, stating that Task Force 38 was attacking the Borg Tactical Cube there in the Trill system. It was the last anyone heard from the Task Force.

Battle of Qo'nos

While the line in the Bajoran sector was held at Starbase 375 as those ships that survived the Borg assault from the Gamma Quadrant slowly limped back to the base, the Borg in the Beta Quadrant quickly turned their attention away from defending the territory they had conquered in Romulan space and launched their second attack against the Klingon Empire. On October 2nd the Borg arrived in a force of forty one ships in the Qo’noS system. The Klingon Defence Force alongside the Federation task force assigned to help the Klingons led by the Enterprise-E prepared for battle. Captain Worf was able to get a message to Starfleet informing them of the attack. Several ships from the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 44 had just escorted Admiral Picard back to Earth and were returning to the Klingon Empire when they got word from Captain Worf. The task force rushed to aid the Klingons but were stopped on the border by a single Tactical Cube. Repeated hails to Qo’noS, the Enterprise as well as the Klingon Defence Force went unanswered. During the fight, a probe was launched to scan further out than the ships could, but it didn't pick up any Klingon ships or the Enterprise; only additional Borg and massive amounts of debris, both Klingon and Borg. The probe was lost before reaching Qo'noS, and its fate remained unknown. Once the Tactical Cube was destroyed, the remains of TF44 retreated back to Earth. Starfleet's First Fleet was dispatched to the defences at Khitomer.

The Federation/Klingon Border (2391)

In January of 2391, Ambassador Spock was elected Federation President. But the start of the new year also saw continued Borg attacks. Khitomer was the first, and even after a strong defence from Starfleet's First Fleet, the planet fell. That defeat was followed a month later by attacks on Bynaus and Qualor II. The combined Federation-Dominion task force assembled fought hard for Qualor, but were overwhelmed by the Borg. They took heavy losses and only thirteen ships made it back at the newly constructed Starbase 565 in the Wolf 359 system. These ships were re-assigned to the Fourth Fleet’s only remaining task force to survive the Borg War, Task Force 21.

A massive Jem’Hadar cloning effort took place and production of Dominion ships increased. Thousands upon thousands of the Dominion’s foot soldiers poured into the Borg lines, sworn to do anything to protect Earth, where the last two known Founders were located; Odo and the Female Changeling, who had once been held for war crimes during the Dominion War fifteen years before.

Probe Capture

The Borg re-directed their forces back in to the Alpha Quadrant and attacked Starbase 375 and its combined Federation/Cardassian/Dominion defence fleet stationed there. During mid-battle a plan was hatched by Fleet Admiral William Ross to capture a Borg Probe and attempt to uncover how many Borg ships were still in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Admiral ordered the USS Cerberus, a Prometheus-class starship to carry out the task by baiting the Probe to follow them out of the area. Once out of sensor range, the Cerberus sent out a rotating electromagnetic pulse that jammed the Borg's subspace communications. Then, using her massive firepower, she took out the Probe’s weapons arrays and warp engines. A boarding party beamed over and was able to tap into their systems. They found that the Borg had set up a shipyard inside what was left of Cardassian space and that another one had just started construction near Khitomer. They learned that the Borg in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants were unable to reach those in the Delta Quadrant after the strike on the Unimatrix, and that the forces in the Gamma Quadrant had fought the remaining Dominion forces to what appeared to be a mutual destruction. They also learned that the Borg had a total of 223 vessels in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, with plans to build their forces for a move on Earth. Once Starfleet Command heard the news, they set up plans to hit both shipyards. However the USS Cerberus was the only ship to return from the battle after the allied task force and Starbase 375 was destroyed by the Borg.

Borg Shipyards

On September 6th, the Dominion's 43rd battalion moved to attack the Khitomer base whilst Starfleet's Sixth Fleet and the Dominion's 42nd battalion prepared to hit the one in Cardassian space. Both units arrived at their targets two days later and attacked. At Khitomer, the Dominion were met by six Spheres which they quickly destroyed. Moments later, they opened fire on the shipyards and destroyed the facility, loosing only fifteen percent of their unit. The attack inside Cardassian space was not as easy. Rear Admiral Chakotay led the assault from his ship the USS Voyager. The Allied armada was met by fourteen Borg ships and was only able to damage the facility before being forced to fall back.

Second Battle of Wolf 359 (2392)

With the loss of more ships and the ability to build more cut in half, the Borg held off on further attacks for nearly a year. Then, on August 24th 2392, they attacked Starbase 565 in the Wolf 359 system. The nightmares of the first Battle of Wolf 359 went through every single person in Starfleet as two Tactical Cubes entered the system. The system was currently being defended by the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 21 under the command of Vice Admiral Luke Duncan. The Federation force was able to destroy one of the cubes and heavily damage the second. However Starbase 565 received heavy damage itself and was boarded by over a thousand drones. Rear Admiral James Ryan, the commander of the base ordered for it to be evacuated and set the station’s auto-destruct. The remains of Task Force 21 beamed off as many of the station’s personnel as possible before they were force to retreat back to Earth. The second cube was last seen slowly limping away from the system. A day later long range tactical reconnaissance probes picked it up as it went up in flames after the loss of containment in its numerous transwarp drives. What was now left of the Fourth Fleet was placed under the command of Vice Admiral Duncan and sent to defend Alpha Centauri.

The Inner Core

After the loss of tactical position at Wolf 359, the Allies were forced to retreat to the Inner Core of the Federation in order to provide a strong enough defensive line.

First attack in Sol (2393)

By the end of 2392 though mid-2393, Starfleet attempted to break though Borg lines to find out what happened on Romulus, Qo’noS, Cardassia, and Bajor, but each time the Borg beat them back, then counter-attacked. Then, on October 12th, a lone Cube entered the Sol system. It destroyed the research outpost of Jupiter Station, the Dominion shipyards and Jem'Hadar cloning facilities before attacking Utopia Planitia. Though the cube was destroyed, the damage inflicted upon the facility had a serious impact on Starfleet's ship output rate, meaning that the rest of the year was spent trying to rebuild the fleet yards.

Second attack on Borg Shipyards (2394)

The rest of 2393 was a rebuilding phase for Starfleet. By May 2394 Starfleet felt that it could send another attack against the shipyard inside Cardassian space. Commodore Tom Paris led the combined efforts of a Klingon, Dominion, and Starfleet battle group. The fleet moved in force and attacked. While Borg ships were drawn off, a single ship, the USS Avenger entered the nearby star's corona and used a modified tractor beam to force an expulsion of stellar matter that ripped the shipyard apart. The allied fleet survived the counter-attack and fell back to Earth. During the attack, they learned the Borg had wiped out the Talarains, Tzenkethi, and Kzinti.

Through the rest of 2394 and all of 2395, only minor skirmishes took place, with both sides facing shortages of raw materials. On March 18th, 2396, contact was lost with the inner-core worlds, Andoria and Vulcan, driving the frontlines ever closer to Earth. The USS Pegasus proceeded toward Vulcan to find out why, even though most feared that it was another Borg attack. It was reported the Pegasus encountered one Tactical Cube and two Spheres. The ship was never heard from again.

Battle of Alpha Centauri (2397)

On January 4th, 2397, the Borg attacked Alpha Centauri with a force of eight vessels. The close proximity of Alpha Centauri to the Sol System prompted Starfleet Command to send what remained of the Fourth Fleet to defend the system. Though the defence was ultimately successful, almost all the Starfleet vessels were destroyed.

Thoughout 2397, Starfleet continued to rebuild its fleets. On May 29th, a distress call was heard from Sector 441. The Son'a, a race that had been able to escape the Borg thus far, were now under attack. The Son’a had been using isolytic warheads to destroy the Borg force attacking them however they were quickly running out of warheads and ships. Starfleet sent Rear Admiral Paris to lead the allied fleet in repelling the Borg invasion of the Briar Patch on the newly commissioned Sovereign class starship USS Archer. As the battle progressed, one of the Borg ships followed three Federation ships, the lead of which was the Archerinto the Briar Patch. The Borg were not ready for travelling though that violent region and the Federation ships were able to cause it to destroy itself by trying to move too quickly through "the patch." The other Allied ships were able to hold off the Borg, but only the three that had been inside the patch returned to Earth.

Final Days (2398)

By March, 2398, the Sol System had become the only remaining stronghold in the Federation. Millions of refugees from the Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi, Gorn and Tholian civilisations amongst others sought refuge from the advancing Borg Fleet. Sending scout ships to investigate an adrift sphere later in the year, Starfleet Intelligence was able to learn that the Borg had two hundred and thirty one vessels left in the Alpha Quadrant and were preparing to attack the Sol System, specifically the Dominion outpost within Utopia Planitia - the location of the development of a Dominion Pathogen which was wreaking havoc in the Collective - hoping to find an antidote to the Pathogen. Not willing to wait for the onslaught, Starfleet Command sent four hundred and thirty two vessels to attack Galorndon Core, the site of the Borg's last remaining forward base. Though the base was destroyed, only eight Borg ships met the same fate, though the entire Allied force was lost. Following this attack, the Borg regrouped and headed towards the Sol System, entering it on Wednesday, December 23rd.

A Borg fleet of two hundred and twenty three ships approached the Sol system. The deadliest, bloodiest and most vicious battle in Starfleet history began and lasted for nearly five days. Over eight thousand Federation allied vessels took place in the fight. The final Borg ship was destroyed at 1201 hours on 27th December 2398 bringing a spectacular and costly end to the twenty-year war.


For the entirety of 2399, Starfleet kept all vessels close to Earth with fears of further Borg attacks commonplace. However, as the months passed, it became apparent that Earth was not in immediate danger of attack and so on January 1st, 2400, Starfleet tentatively declared victory, both encouraging the inhabitants of Earth that they were safe and officially re-forming the First Fleet; the Earth Defence Force. Though some in Starfleet called for a return to exploration, this move was opposed by many in the admiralty and some members of the Federation Council. Despite this, the calls were loud enough to warrant the formation of the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative, now named the Fourth Fleet.

Now, the limited number of Starfleet ships assigned to the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative have been charged by President Spock and the Starfleet Commander In Chief, Fleet Admiral Picard, to explore the remains of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, make contact with any survivors, and help forge a new Federation of Planets.

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